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Index of Issues Volumes 20 - 29 D
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Dalgety and Company Limited Vol.21.No.4.Page 10
Dalgety K windmill Vol.21.No.4.Page 10 (illus article)
Dalgety Self Oil windmill - see - Dalgety K windmill
Dalgety Type K windmill - see - Dalgety K windmill
Dalton, Len Vol.23.No.2.Page 11
Dangar, Gedye Vol.20.No.3.Page 7
Danks Billabong windmill Vol.22.No.4.Pages 8, 9
Danks Billabong windmill - 1924 Encased Gear Pattern Vol.22.No.4.Pages 9 (illus), 10
Danks Billabong windmill - 1932 Encased Gear Pattern Vol.22.No.4.Page 10
Danks Billabong windmill - Ball Bearing Pattern Vol.22.No.4.Page 10
Danks Billabong windmill - open geared Vol.22.No.4.Pages 9 (illus), 10
Vol.23.No.1.Page 1 (illus), 9
Danks Busy B windmill Vol.22.No.4.Pages 10, 11 (illus)
Danks Canvas Sail windmill Vol.22.No.4.Page 8
Danks Coo-ee windmill Vol.22.No.1.Page 6
Vol.22.No.4.Page 11 (illus)
Danks, John Vol.23.No.1.Page 9
Danks, John & Son Pty. Ltd. Vol.22.No.1.Page 6
Vol.22.No.4.Page 8
Vol.23.No.1.Pages 1, 5, 9
Danks Little Bill windmill Vol.22.No.4.Page 10
Danks syphon pump Vol.23.No.2.Pages 9, 11 (illus)
Danks tail vanes Vol.22.No.4.Pages 8-11 (illus article)
Vol.23.No.1.Page 1
Danks, Thomas Vol.20.No.1.Page 5
Danks - Titan windmill Vol.20.No.1.Pages 5, 9
Davis, C. H. & Co. Vol.22.No.2.Page 4
Day, William Vol.20.No.3.Page 7
Dean & McCabe Windmills Pty. Ltd. Vol.22.No.2.Pages 6-7 (illus article)
Dean, Richard Vol.22.No.2.Page 7
Defiance tail vanes Vol.20.No.3.Page 9 (illus article)
Defiance windmill Vol.20.No.4.Page 11
Vol.22.No.1.Page 6
De Goyon, Charles Vol.23.No.2.Page 2
De Goyon wind generator Vol.23.No.2.Page 2
Denny Bros. Limited Vol.21.No.2.Pages 5, 6, 7
Desert Collectors (TV show) Vol.21.No.3.Page 11
Dexter windmill (USA) Vol.20.No.3.Page 6 (illus article)
Vol.21.No.1.Pages 3, 5-7 (illus article)
Vol.22.No.2.Page 8 (illus article)
D. G. Harrison & Sons - see - Harrison, D. G. & Sons
Diabolo Separator Co. Vol.22.No.2.Page 4
Direct Acting windmills - see - Armour Johnston Simplex windmill
- see - Booth DA windmill
- see - Sharp windmill
- see - Southern Cross 1911 Direct Action windmill
- see - Southern Cross 1913 Western Model windmill
- see - Southern Cross 1915 Pattern windmill
- see - Southern Cross A Pattern windmill
- see - Southern Cross AB Pattern windmill
- see - Southern Cross AE Pattern windmill
- see - Southern Cross AG Pattern windmill
- see - Southern Cross E Pattern windmill
- see - Southern Cross JA Pattern windmill
- see - Southern Cross Large A Pattern windmill
- see - Southern Cross R Pattern windmill
Doctor's Creek Provisional School - see - Doctor's Creek State School
Doctor's Creek State School Vol.21.No.2.Page 1
Donoghue, John E. Vol.23.No.2.Page 3
Douglas pump Vol.20.No.4.Page 9
Dowling, Thomas Vol.21.No.1.Pages 8, 9
Dowrie, G. & J. Vol.23.No.2.Page 8
Duc de Feltre - see - De Goyon, Charles
Duncan, P. and D. Vol.20.No.1.Page 5
Duncan's OK windmill Vol.20.No.1.Page 5
Dunn, John (Senior) Vol.22.No.1.Page 9
Duplex Vaneless windmill (USA) Vol.21.No.2.Page 11 (illus)
Durrand, Agnes Vol.23.No.2.Page 8
Durrand, Allan Vol.23.No.2.Page 8
Durrand, Catherine Vol.23.No.2.Page 8
Durrand, Elizabeth Vol.23.No.2.Page 8
Durrand, Elsie Vol.23.No.2.Page 8
Durrand, Eva Vol.23.No.2.Page 8
Durrand, George Vol.23.No.2.Pages 6-8 (illus article)
Durrand, Hazel Vol.23.No.2.Page 8
Durrand, Isabella Vol.23.No.2.Page 8
Durrand, John Vol.23.No.2.Page 8
Durrand, John (Senior) Vol.23.No.2.Page 8
Durrand, Mabel Vol.23.No.2.Page 8
Durrand, Mary (nee Kelly) Vol.23.No.2.Page 8
Durrand, Nella Vol.23.No.2.Page 8
Durrand, Olive Vol.23.No.2.Page 8
Durrand, Robert Vol.23.No.2.Page 8
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